Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Gilbert Arenas and Javaris Crittenton have been suspended for the rest of the year by commissioner David Stern. These 2 idiots are the reason why kids are purchasing guns. Arenas and Crittenton had a disagreement, while on the Washington Wizards plane coming home from a game, about a card game they were betting on. Crittenton was so angry that he lost he threatened Arenas telling him that he was going to shoot him with his own gun. The next day Arenas laid out 4 guns in from of Crittenton's locker and said choose one. They're the dumbest people in the NBA. To make matters worse before one of Arenas's last games he in the huddle before the game pretended like his fingers were guns, not taking the threat seriously. Arenas brought a gun to the stadium first of all, how big of an idiot do you have to be. Second of all Crittenton loaded his gun and pointed it in the direction of Arenas. Neither were very smart. Arenas used to be one of my favorite players in the NBA with all the funny things he does, like his blog, his radio show, and etc. Now I personally think he should be kicked out of the NBA, or at least serve some jail time. Plaxico Burress is in jail right now for the same thing, an unlicensed weapon, but he shot himself. Burress brought his for protection because some fellow teammates of his were held up in that same spot in town. Arenas brought his as a joke. He and Critteton should be punished worse then they are going to be. Plea deal or not. I think that this is a joke and I would like to see some justice take place.

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